Starts Up by MVGU

Starts Up by MVGU:

Jaipur International Ltd. is a private limited company registered in Uganda in 2014, Registration Certificate No.188836, licensed to set up Medical and Technical University. Jaipur International Ltd. strategically situated at Plot 60, Opp. YMCA BomboRoad, Kampala, Uganda. Jaipur International Ltd. is promoted & owned by “Maharaj Vinayak Global University, Jaipur (MVGU) and financed through their Indian Company Jeph International Educare Pvt. Ltd.and MVGU.


IIHAS has been established under Jaipur International Ltd.IIHAS is a training institution established in 2016 to avail opportunities that exist in the health education sector to bridge the gap between theory and practice. IIHAS seeks to provide training services to health-related courses to a whole range of education.


Indian Institute of Health and Allied Science is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Sports through BTVET and registered with Allied Health and Nursing Professional Councils. The courses being offered are :- Diploma In Nursing (Direct & Extension), Diploma In Midwifery (Direct & Extension), Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (Direct & Extension), Certificate in Nursing, Certificate in Midwifery, Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology.