Human Rights Day is celebrated annually around the world on 10 December every year. The day was taken to honor the United Nations General Assembly‘s adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), on 10 December 1948, This was first effort at global level to give recognition to the Human Rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations. This day i.e. 10th December had been formally declared as Human Right day at the 317th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on 4 December 1950.
Dr. Mahendra Tiwari, Dean & Head, JSL motivated the students that by respecting the rights of others and performing their duties with full sincerity will make relevance to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, given by United Nations and the related rights, given in the Indian Constitution. Also, encouraged them by organizing a campaign to showcase the UDHR by focusing on its legacy, relevance and activism.
Jaipur School of Law celebrated Human Rights Day on 10th December 2022 on the theme “Dignity, Freedom and Justice”.
An awareness campaign was organized by the Students of Jaipur School of law in nearby villages with the objectives :
a) Making Localities familiarize with the concepts of rights and their importance in order to every individual and the process of law making.
b) To help them understand the various bounds of differences and the efforts that are put in to achieve equality.
c) To inspire a feeling of appreciation towards all human kind and humanity.
d) To inform local peoples about the free legal aid services.
Jaipur School of law celebrated the day with the aim of spreading awareness of human and legal rights especially among rural and weaker section of the society. The faculty member Dr. Mahendra kumar Jangir and Mr. Swet Raj Pareek with students of Jaipur School of Law visited nearby rural areas (Jaitpura Khnchi, kali Ghati & Post Office Achrol) for celebrating the Human Rights Day. Dr. Mahendra Jangir and Mr. Swet Raj Pareek met people in small groups and awared them about their human and legal rights. They told them what are the remedies for human rights if rights are violated and how the human rights are enforced under the law.
Students of Jaipur School of Law namely Shekhar Gurjar, Manoj Meena, Sonu Saini, Suryanshi, Sangeeta, Viajay Rathore, Rahul Meena, Himangi, Vakansha and other students actively participated in the Human Rights Day celebration. They met people individually and in small groups and made them about their human rights. The made personal and group interaction with villagers. Girl’s students Sangeeta, Himangi, Suryanshi and Vikansha also imparted insight and knowledge about women rights awareness. They motivated them to educate their girl child. The Human Rights Day was celebrated under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Mahendra Tiwari, Dean & Head, Jaipur School of Law.